We offer two options to browse the raw data:
- Desktop IGV
- Browser-embedded IGV
You can switch between these two options on the fly by clicking the "Settings" button and selecting your preference.
When you choose the "Desktop App" option, the IGV button will appear on the right. Click on this button to stream the data to your desktop IGV app.
To analyze any location, variant, or target region on the IGV, you can click the 🔍 button. Depending on your selection, this will initiate the IGV without leaving the browser and load the sample BAM, VCF and target regions, or stream the data to your desktop IGV app.
Using the "Browser" option, you can add more samples to compare by using the search field on the upper-left corner.
If you want to change the default IGV type, click on your "Profile" button on the top-right of the page and go to "User Preferences" under "User and Site Settings" on top-right. Here, you can change your default IGV type.
![IGV user setting](/help/documentation/igv_user_setting.png)