# Germline Sample Dashboard
# Dashboard
When you click on a sample, you will be taken to the sample dashboard.
- Status: In this field, you will see the current status of the sample and the time since the upload. You can assign the sample to yourself, or if you are a Master User, to someone else in your institution. The assignee can resolve the sample by selecting "Diagnosed" or "Undiagnosed".
- Sample info: This field lists the clinical information you filled in during the upload.
- Analysis details: You will find the dates and the versions of the databases, the analysis version, the kit name, and other related information.
- Prioritized variants: In this field, you will see the list of most likely variants that explains the condition of the patient. There may be no or multiple variants listed here. For more details about our variant prioritization, please refer to the relevant section of this document.
- Prioritized variant distribution: This graph shows the number of variants classified into each of the 8 categories.
- Autopathogenicity distribution: This graph shows the number of variants in each ACMG classification category.
- Depth and coverage: Average depth within the kit's target regions and overall coverage values are listed here.
- Number of small variant annotations: The number of variant annotations and on-target percent are shown here.
- Number of reads: This field shows the total number of aligned reads.
- Latest CNV results: A summary of the CNV analysis is shown here. If this sample is not included in a CNV analysis yet, you will have the option to start the analysis here.
- Multisample analyses: The total number of multisample analyses that includes this sample is shown here (current limit: 1). If this sample is not included in a multisample analysis yet, you will have the option to start the analysis here.
- Het/hom and Ts/tv ratio: The sample's het/hom ratio and the ts/tv ratio are shown along with the distribution of the values for all samples in SEQ belonging to the same machine/kit combination.